!Spoiler Alert!
[AppleDaily] 電 視 鑑 證 科 : 《 原 來 愛 上 賊 》 暖 壺 識 變 色

有 港 版 《 盜 海 豪 情 》 之 稱 的 無 劇 集 《 原 來 愛 上 賊 》 , 大 玩 高 科 技 兵 賊 鬥 法 , 題 材 尚 算 新 穎 。 不 過 日 前 凌 零 發 卻 接 獲 讀 者 投 訴 , 指 該 劇 屢 出 現 穿 崩 鏡 頭 , 完 全 影 響 觀 賞 意 欲 。
在 上 周 二 ( 6 日 ) 播 出 的 《 原 》 劇 中 , 陳 玉 蓮 向 姚 樂 怡 借 了 一 個 黃 色 蓋 子 的 保 暖 瓶 盛 載 中 藥 , 當 她 給 陳 法 拉 飲 用 時 , 保 暖 瓶 蓋 子 卻 變 了 灰 藍 色 。 另 外 在 上 周 四 ( 8 日 ) 播 出 的 一 集 中 , 李 成 昌 在 酒 吧 內 跟 女 兒 陳 自 瑤 爭 執 , 當 時 他 戴 米 色 cap 帽 , 誰 知 追 出 門 外 卻 變 成 了 藍 色 , 明 顯 是 不 連 戲 的 穿 崩 鏡 頭 。
Even though “Catch Me Now” is nicely done with twisting plots, but the audience are able to spot many goofs and errors. On May 6th episode [12] Idy Chan [played Yung Yung] borrowed from Sherming Yiu [played Pinky] the thermos for Chinese medicine, later she gave to Fala Chen [played Minnie] to drink, it became a different one. May 8th episode [14], Lee Sing Cheong [played old Cheng Sir] was wearing khaki cap and caught daughter Yoyo Chen [played Yan-yan] in the bar, but when they confronted each other at the street alley, he wore the blue cap.

[Hm… I’ve noticed the media pick on Idy and criticize her a lot lately, and many young viewers out there aren’t familiar with her voice and they “hate” her. How vain of them.

Anyways, I noted the thermos goof too, but I also found goofs that have to do with technology, such as (1) Johnson Lee (BT) came to Sharon Chan (Kong Kiu) office to borrow a program or something, and she gave him a floppy disk. You can’t even store anything on a floppy now, even a photo takes twice the size the floppy’s space, and who uses floppies these days? (2) When Koni Lui (Cheung Long-leg crab) was watching if Idy’s going to report the police on Damian, she didn’t wear a bluetooth earpiece nor a handfree nor hold a phone , how the heck she communicated with BT or Jack? (3) While they’re in the van on the way to rob the diamond necklace, BT’s laptop was showing a simple music CD player program, which supposed to be a sophisticated tool for voice alterating.

Of course, there’s no way to have a film production goof-free of errors and bloopers, even with big budget Hollywood flix, people can still find goofs. And of course every TVB work was done in a very short time frame, and “Catch” was finished in merely less than 6 months. Shooting started around October 2007, wrapped up around late December 2007, and finally aired just less than 4 weeks ago. Besides those mentioned above, many scenes are cut differently from promo clips & actual ones. Since Jack wears sunglasses so often, and it’d be fun if I can find the camera crew or someone not in the series mirroring via the specs.]
