無綫救災騷感動163萬觀眾【15:57】2008年05月19日 【on.cc專訊】 無綫公布上周收視,周五大結局的《原來愛上賊》平均33點,上升1點,最高收視38點,觀眾人數逾239萬。至於周六的《眾志成城抗震救災》平均收22點,最高26點,觀眾人數達163萬。/ WenWeiPo / AppleDaily / Headline
TVB released the ratings report for last week, the final week of “Catch Me Now” averaged at 33 points, up 1 point from previous week, and scored 38 points as the highest or approximately 2.4 million viewers. Saturday’s Sichuan Earthquake Fundraising Show made 22 points average, peaked at 26 points, touched the hearts of about 1.63 million viewers.
