2012.02.17 “Messages to Idy” discontinued…

Archived ‘Messages to Idy’

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2009.04.28 Hello to New URL:

A5 NEWS idy chan 陳玉蓮新聞 has been moved to http://a5news.chanyuklinonline.com
Please update your bookmarks or links! Thanks for your continued support!

2009.04.18 Announcement

The Chinese message in the shoutbox [may display garble for those of you who don’t have Chinese encoder on your machines] it’s from Hu Yi: Last night Miss Chan called, and requesting to have everyone for your contact information. So please send an email to Hu Yi the following information:
Name (Real):
Current Residence/Address:

Hu Yi doesn’t read English well, so if you prefer, you can email, and I will forward to Hu Yi with some Chinese translation.

Remember the birthday ad that many of us did back in 2004, Miss Chan’s now seen it. Miss Chan has asked Hu Yi about me twice. And I was told that San Francisco is one of the places that Miss Chan would go for her charity/religious study missions, so be ready whenever she will be in SF! hehe!

http://chanyuklin.5d6d.net Ai Lian Shuo (ALS) is the new community created by Hu Yi and other fans representatives dedicated to Miss Chan, who has her own account there. So far she’s logged in ONCE (perhaps due to her busy schedule), so sign up for an account if you like, however, they’re all in Chinese for now.

One Comment

  1. #
    July 20th, 2011 at 4:31 AM

    Thank you for all the fans that take the time to post recent photos online.
    We overseas fans do not get a chance to see Ms Idy Chan since 2008 in Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
    We look forward to see friendly star Idy to come and visit Beautiful B.C. once again.
