Frequency of misunderstandings – Fate of Yee Yin
November 10, 2012 at 22:56
Sources: TVB Weekly #803 via CYL Bar
Producer Chong Waikin “Yee Yin realized that she wanted to be with Cheuk Man [Arthur], and set it clear with her old lover Chai Yat Fai (Ben Wong), but because of his 2nd son Kai Yip [Jimmy] (Vincent Wong) beat up him very badly, that caused deeper misunderstanding between Yee Yin and Cheuk Man.”
Extra: See Damian’s Weibo posts on past week’s eps via DamianLauVN.
Opinion column on MingPao /
November 11th, 2012 at 10:12 PM
I think JJ Jia is a new actress with potential. I would’ve casted her with Kenneth instead of being Damian’s 5th.
November 11th, 2012 at 11:00 PM
I saw JJ and Kenneth as a very mean couple in Tiger Cubs. Yes – she’s good. She probably doesn’t have that innocent look to play Rebecca’s character. She can pull off playing 5th easily. I thought her character would appear much later, but she’ll show up in ep. 20
November 11th, 2012 at 11:08 PM
I will skip this week for sure at least to Thursday due to nonsense and without Idy
November 11th, 2012 at 11:26 PM
from the highlight scenes and their captions: Yee Yin burned the letters in ep 17, she finally agreed to meet “Granny” knowing it’s actually Yat Fai in ep 18, Arthur seek apology from YY in ep 19…
November 12th, 2012 at 4:32 AM
Who will appology whom?
November 12th, 2012 at 10:44 PM
A wants YY to apologize to him
November 13th, 2012 at 9:53 AM
For what purpose we must wait to see?
November 14th, 2012 at 6:53 AM
Ep.17 – leave her alone!
The maid asked why Yee Yin still had those letters unopened and didn’t paint anymore, YY said receiving these letters give her some hope, but this kind of happiness she shouldn’t have. “Painting and these letters helped me forget loneliness, but I can’t rely on them. Otherwise, I’d be more solitude and even more lonely. Better letting it all go”
Arthur saw everything and YY complained that he didn’t knock as the house rule, he said the door was left opened and apologized:
“I want to burn my paintings”
“I don’t want to paint anymore”
“Your paintings are nice”
“I just don’t want to draw anymore”
“Are you afraid of causing trouble?”
“A, Can you stop being like that? I’ve tried to paint and calligraph to find some peace, can you stop nitpicking on me?”
“I just find it’s strange why you burned those letters too?”
“Painting can be burned, letters should be burned too”
“Some letters were still unopened”
“I didn’t want to open”
“Who wrote to you?”
“One kindhearted Granny bought my painting at Women’s Club auction”
“One wrote letters, one refused to open, do you think it’s strange”
“What do you want?”
“I want you to think of me only”
“You keep on tormenting me, and want me to think of you only”
“Your behavior forced me”
“I don’t want to argue with you anymore”
“I don’t believe those letters from the Granny, else you wouldn’t have destroyed them, can you guess who actually wrote to you?”
“I don’t want to guess”
“It’s Chai Yat Fai”
“A, you’re too much”
“We’re just guessing here, you don’t have to be so nervous”
“Can you give me some space?”
“You need to be responsible as a wife, and I absolutely cannot tolerate some stranger from time to time write letters to my wife or you tell me how to deal with this”
Then we see YY composed a letter to “Granny”
She will meet Yat Fai to straight things out tomorrow… but it’s only ep.18 …so still more tangles haha!
November 14th, 2012 at 12:18 PM
Oh thanks for nice recap
So A wants her to be responsible as wife and he not even spent any time with any wives. So ridiculous man
So I guess A will say some thing to confuse his 2nd son so he will beat up Yai Fat
November 15th, 2012 at 2:04 AM
Ep.18 – The little conversation
Yat Fai pretended that he didn’t expect Yee Yin at the restaurant, but YY asked if he had appointment with a friend to whom he wrote so many letters of encouragement and even bought her dandelions painting
“Please sit down, Granny!” (love how Ben was grinning ear to ear here)
“When did you find out it’s me?”
“Not many people out there who understands me, and from the writing style I can tell it’s you”
“I’m trying to be mystery, but still can’t trick you. I actually don’t want to hide from you, it’s just inconvenient to write letters to you with your status right now. So I came up with the idea.”
“Thanks so much for caring, but I feel that things need to set clear. Today I came out to see you just to let you know that you don’t need to write letters to me anymore.”
“Why? My letters really bothered you?”
“No, it’s totally opposite. Your words of encouragement in the letters comfort me when I’m sad. Then I realized that I kept looking forward to get your letters.”
“I’m so happy that my letters can give you comfort. Yee Yin, please don’t misunderstand me, I absolutely don’t mean any harm. I used Granny’s name because I don’t want to give any burden. As a friend, I just want to help you to share your worrisome, nothing else.”
“Perhaps because I’m too lonely, I just hope there’s someone to care about me, comfort me. I knew that you’re Granny, and I pretended I didn’t know anything, but it’s not right. I feel that it’s not fair to you.”
“No, I don’t feel that way at all”
“But I’m already Arthur’s wife, I shouldn’t accept your caring concerns, so please don’t write me anymore.”
“Even if you’re someone’s wife, you can have your own friends too. We have nothing to hide (quang minh chính đại), I say it again, I don’t mean any harm”
“A gave me this pin brooch, he wants me to remember my status as his wife. This is my choice, please respect my decision.”
“OK, I don’t want to force you, but if you’re not happy, I won’t just sit still. I really hope one day we both can declare our friendship.”
Then we see 4 with her actress sis were in the restaurant and they saw everything, the actress suggested it’s a good chance for 4 to gain all favors from A… I just hope 4 won’t play dirty against YY…
Preview for ep.19, looks like YF came to YY’s mother’s house…
November 15th, 2012 at 3:22 AM
Aha, You sneaked out and watched it early…hehehehe..
Just Joking!
I watched it too.
Well well well, must watch tomorrow. Please recap early b/c I saw a BIG sister yelling 4th and everyone stood up.
It must be important.
i don’t understand why YY forced A to marry new woman and she don’t even give YF a chance to find out he suits for her or not. It just not made sense of the story.
November 15th, 2012 at 4:09 AM
YY didn’t “force” A to marry 4, she just “granted” what he wants. A already flirted with 4 when she came to his office to thank him for helping her gaining back her independence. When A and YY argued because of YF back in Shanghai, when returning to HK he could have gone to 3 to satisfy his needs. He instead waited around for 4 in front the theater, even took her to his private resident. I believe it’d more clear if you watch in Vietnamese, 1 didn’t appear as mad as 3 when A told them he wanted to marry 4, because she knew she couldn’t do anything after her experience with YY and 3. For YY, it doesn’t matter to her because she’s married to him as 2nd already, even if he had 5th or 6th… her status is just the same as any other mistresses, she’s never his only one. She just wants A to give her some space to think and to stop all the misunderstandings. She feels regrets towards YF because she left him years ago and that she’s the reason YF had gone through so much hardship to get where he’s now today. She feels guilty toward A because she had been holding back her feelings after all these years being married to him, and thinking that she hasn’t loved him as much as he loved her… she’s in confused state right now… and so am I 🙂
November 15th, 2012 at 4:29 AM
Me too…confusing.
November 16th, 2012 at 1:23 AM
-4th said that she found Yee Yin’s pin brooch in the garden
-YY thanked 4th, and YY expressed if her granting 4th married to Arthur is helping or harming her, 4th said it’s her choice too and they form “sisterhood”
-A at the office had his assistant informed the investigation on Granny, and they found out it’s Yat Fai and not letting anyone else know
-1st hired back the maid from her family and assigned her to look after 3rd’s 2 children. 4th suggested that they really don’t need more maids and sending her to work somewhere else [i think], and that angered 1st. A signaled Jimmy to cool down the dispute [this maid will be Jimmy’s wife later]
-YY waited to tell A that her mom had been sicked for a week and asked both of them to visit [I wanted to strangle A at this scene… the behavior is so disrespectful and lowly petty]
-The mother faked sick and said it had to do with them, and told YY to apologize to A for her wrongdoing [absurb], then a guest came in the house to ask for a ring she lost at card games last night.
-A again asked YY if she’s going to say sorry to him, and said that they both know what’s going on. YY told A not to dig more into the problems and forget everything. A told YY both still need time to think.
-Jimmy met with clients for business deals without Yee Hei [YY’s brother]. Yat Fai bumped into YHei at restaurant, YHei told YFai that YY has been staying at their mother’s house a few days now… and afraid that his job won’t be secured because of the cold war btw YY and A.
-YHei invited YFai back home to discuss their new business venture
-YFai left the house and saw YY was standing outside in her deep thoughts…
November 16th, 2012 at 11:30 AM
nice recap sis. Thanks a lot. Now 2 & 4 are sisterhood. Hope they work out well
November 16th, 2012 at 12:58 PM
ummm ..yy is getting confused..who is she caring more..?i thought she still yat fai but on the hand also want to be with A.. cant wait until she comes back for yat fai..does anyne has video Ben talked about Idy..want to see..thanks..
November 16th, 2012 at 10:35 PM
No YY in ep.20, ep.21 will resume on Tuesday Nov 20.
I find it’s OK for YY to have conflicting feelings for both men, one is first love, one is husband who had treated her well all these years. But often men are selfish and petty, they can have as many women as they want, why a woman can’t love more than 1 man. Back in those old days and even today in many cultures, once a woman married, she become a possession of a man. So just enjoy watching her story… after all it’s soap drama with dragging storyline to tease viewers…