July 2013 – Happy Summer!

July 1, 2013 at 20:41

Sources: CRHK / Weibo / Listen to Idy Chan’s interview with Terry Leung – Host of CRHK881’s Circles: Part 1Part 2 OR Full

AppleDaily2 / MingPao / Oriental / TheSun /
[20:03] 2013/07/02【on.cc 東方互動 專訊】 藝人陳玉蓮在電台節目中被問當年與周潤發的一段情?她說:「入行之後就好想結婚離開呢個圈。(因為周生唔同你結婚?)要問周生。(分手涉及第三者?)我冇,要問佢(指發哥)有冇。(你提出分手?)要問周生。」問到日後與發哥見面可會感到尷尬?陳玉蓮說:「點解要尷尬!都係一個人。」


  1. #
    July 3rd, 2013 at 2:09 AM

    Haha! She loved Tony in The Grand Canal more than she did with Andy in ROCH1983

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      August 29th, 2013 at 2:08 PM

      That was truth. The drama proved itself

      There were millions chemistry between Tony and Idy

      I always said before and even now tony never loved anyone like the way he loves her in GC

      It is so weird this is my marathon week for GC and I decided to access the website again and found this article and the interviews (but I did not understand) I did not watch yet

      Erin, I lost one of my DVD, can you help me for making a copy please

      1/ GC chapter???? Beginning the DVD where ‘Tam Ca chem LanLinh’

      2/ Upheaval last DVD or #10

      Both DVD disappear or I let someone borrowed and they returned with missing disc that I did not find out until now

      I know you have everything therefor I must thanks in advange @@

      Never tired of watching GC over again

  2. #
    July 9th, 2013 at 7:48 AM

    well, Lang Ling &Cheung Sam Long did go through much ups & downs throughout the whole series. in ROCH, she didn’t have as much screen time.

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      July 10th, 2013 at 10:19 AM

      Indeed, A5 and 3L had more a more realistic relationship than SLL & YG. Though, to her, Andy is more of a real friend than Tony. She spoke on how Andy was persistent on having her on his 30th anniv show, he even had to wait for 10 years (originally, she couldn’t attend his 20th anniv show), and how he personally called her so often to make sure she returned to HK just in time for the show.

      I’ve been looking for an interview video of her and Tony a year or so after GC. There’s an article written about it, and it seems it’s a really nice and rare interview of them.

      • #
        July 14th, 2013 at 10:56 AM

        did you read the interview? If so can you give a brief translation? I’m interested in anything relating to Lang Ling & CSL / Idy & Tony. 🙂

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        July 15th, 2013 at 12:45 AM

        Here’s the Vietnamese translation of Idy & Tony’s TV interview/meeting posted by fans at old/archived Idy’s forum at DAN:

        Here’s the Chinese article posted: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/167269431

  3. #
    August 29th, 2013 at 12:21 PM

    Wow, nice interview! 🙂

    Was it REAL? It is hard for me to believe it was truth that they had an interview together.

    Seems like “someone” dreamed about them 🙂

    But I still love it

    • #
      August 31st, 2013 at 11:08 AM

      Yes – the interview was REAL. I’ve been trying to find the original Chinese article in my digital collection of Idy & Aaron Kwok (Quach Phu Thanh). Idy had the same similar interview with Aaron too, I suspect it’s filed under my AK’s files… but no luck in finding it yet… argh…

      Anyway, my house’s currently under renovation… so it’s the mess right now, but I will try to make the copies for you. The GC chapter in which 3L slashed A5 is 41 (yes, I somehow remember this by heart 🙂 )

  4. #
    August 31st, 2013 at 11:55 AM

    Thanks sis. I loved the interview if it was real because I was still upset by the way Tony treat Idy in the background and Kitty Lai defended him at the time and she was mad of Idy too as I read the article back there.

    I am glad Tony was a “man” take his responsibility for his his action. It is hard to say who I like better. I always like the 3L character better.

