名媛望族 SSSS: costume goof on Yee Yin’s handbag?
December 17, 2012 at 9:06
Souces: MingPao / TheSun – Oriental / AppleDaily – SharpDaily / Headline /
[21:16] 2012/12/12 【on.cc 東方互動 專訊】 網友真眼利!昨晚台慶劇《名媛望族》講述陳玉蓮離開劉松仁時,她手持的手袋仔竟然有個類似卡通人物史迪仔的圖案,唔通就連套懷舊劇都玩穿越時空?惹來網友討論,蓮妹戲中話晒演名媛,冇理由會用史迪仔手袋咁Cutie(可愛)!
Net citizens do have good eyes! They noted the handbag that Idy Chan was carrying with the cartoon character “Stitch” in one of her last scenes, and generated comical discussion that the drama set in the old time and traveled through time. Producer Chong Waikin was contacted on the issue, he cleared with costume department that it was just a general design pattern, and nothing to do with the modern time cartoon [hahaha]
Idy didn’t attend the finale gathering party with other cast, there’s only a few replay of Idy’s scenes. Watch the special show via AzDrama or here. News report via JayneStars.
Yat Fai & Yee Yin MV (credits: 1659622553)
December 17th, 2012 at 1:52 PM
i didnt like how they classified Yee Yin’s role as a bad woman. clearly the only thing they could put her as “bad” was that one line she said to Ben. But I wouldn’t classify her as a bad woman based on that, argh.
December 18th, 2012 at 12:21 AM
Thanks for taking Yee Yin’s side. Clearly I’ve stopped concerning over every little thing that TVB tends to classify the characters or even the artists themselves, but I do have a curious mind most of the time, so just watch these for fun…
And the finale cut is just too long and pointless with tons of flashback scenes, there’s ones that already used many many times, yawn.
December 19th, 2012 at 7:10 AM
Thank you whoever u are made such good movie of Ben and Idy..i love them..bye