Idy Chan @ Eva Lai “Love In Vain” talkshow aired
November 29, 2015 at 23:19
artistes blogs, cableTV, chow yun fat, lifestyle
Sources: MingPao / AppleDailyTW / Yahoo!HK /
11月28日(六) 16:13【on.cc東網專訊】 藝人陳玉蓮與王玉環為有線節目《往事.並不如煙》任嘉賓,席間分享過去感情經歷,陳玉蓮更鮮有提及當年與周潤發的初戀,對於這段被視為圈中的「金童玉女」,陳玉蓮透露當年只有18歲,更謂:「周先生係我嘅初戀情人,可能我單純、蠢蠢地吸引到佢啩!(轟動娛樂圈喎!)呢啲嘢唔在乎結果,轟動過就夠!嗰時好多傳媒想捕捉我哋拍拖,好多人話我哋玩地下情,但實情係周生太忙,我哋根本冇時間拍拖,久而久之好難繼續行落去,所以分手並唔係因為傳媒壓力。」更指多年後已成熟不少,若然再見到對方也會上前Say Hello!
[Article in Vietnamese]
Idy Chan @ i-Cable interview with Eva Lai
October 19, 2015 at 0:50
artistes blogs, cableTV, lifestyle, LM325
Sources: MingPao – 2 – Weekly / AppleDaily – 2 / SingPao / WenWeiPo / OrientalDaily /
離婚收場 陳玉蓮自嘲天真嫁錯郎
10月18日(日) 15:15 【 東網專訊】 藝人陳玉蓮(蓮妹)與王玉環日前現身黎燕珊主持的有線節目《往事.並不如煙》,三位好姊妹聚頭即互爆彼此感情事。陳玉蓮被問及與周潤發的一段情,有傳男方因與她分手而自殺入院,蓮妹表示:「我哋之間無任何壓力,只係大家都好忙,無時間同對方相處,久而久之好難繼續走下去。」其後她下嫁陳超武,可惜最終離婚收場。回顧這一段七年的婚姻,她認為是自己太天真:「當時對愛情好傻,就算明知唔適合都樁個頭埋去,未考慮得夠清楚。」近年專心修行的陳玉蓮又謂沒再想感情事:「即使那個人完全支持我都唔得,所有事都無法兩全其美,我將所有時間放在修行上,唔會再搵伴侶。」
星級到會 — 陳玉蓮 2009/06/18 10:55
The airing of Idy Chan’s interview @ CableTV Maria Kitchen’s Star Meeting: first 23 minutes of the 45-minute episode [related]
Sources: MPINews / MingPao / TaKungPao / WenWeiPo / Oriental / TheSun / AppleDaily / AppleDailyTW / MacaoDaily / HKDaily /
【18:13】2009年06月13日 【on.cc專訊】 陳玉蓮接受《肥媽私房菜》訪問,肥媽問她的人生觀如此脫俗,是否與當年周潤發的一段情有關,她沉默了良久後說:「如果有人在我生命上對我有威脅,我會作出抉擇,離開佢。」她又指當年當有記者問到發哥的戀情,她都會即時收口,因不想自己受到傷害。
Maria Cordero‘s show “Maria’s Kitchen” has a new segment called “Meeting with the Star”, and the star for the first episode is Idy Chan. Maria asked that Idy’s current lifestyle has changed significantly and if it has to do with her relationship with Chow Yun Fat during their dating? Idy gave a long silent and finally said “If there’s someone was a threat to my life, I’d decide to leave them”. She also explained that back in those years, if reporters asked about her relationship with Chow, she’d just shut up because didn’t want to hurt herself.
On her failed marriage with Peter Chan Siu-Moo, Idy explained “Actually, right after the very first year of the marriage, I already realized that there’s no way I can be with him the rest of my life. But I tried and gave my best, eventually it lasted for 10 years.” She also mentioned that there’s several years she was living in seclusion and didn’t allow her siblings to tell her father where she was. That her father once thought she was dead, now she’s feeling guilty to make her elderly father worry.
Hi5 Video: Idy Chan @ HER Healthy Seminar
April 22, 2009 at 0:22
Video: Idy Chan 陳玉蓮 @ CEN 主播會客室 Interview
January 25, 2008 at 23:46
andy lau, cableTV
[It’s interesting to see 3 Tigers, Andy Lau 劉德華, Kent Tong 湯鎮業, and Felix Wong 黃日華 shared their thoughts and views on Idy as a person, colleague, and actress. Andy was speaking in Mandarin, and he’s kinda awkward and wasn’t looking at the camera at some moments when speaking about how he fell for Idy back then. Poor guy. Felix seems to understand Idy, as a friend, the most. Somehow, Eric Li 李潤庭’s voice sounds similar to Stephen Chan 陳志雲’s of Be My Guest 志雲飯局. Cool interview! However I wonder why it takes CableTV Ent. News or CEN so long to air these interviews. It’s been 4 months since this interview was done, in mid-September 2007. Again, it’s first aired on Jan 24th 2008 and 2nd rerun on Jan 27th 2008 (CableTV channel 13 in Hong Hong).]
Updated 2008.01.31 – Here’s the brief of what 3 Tigers say about Idy:
Andy lau : She and I are fated [Then he talked about their first collaboration at HK radio]
She and SLL are the same, one lives in modern and other’s from ancient time. Living in modern time is difficult and that’s why she has more problems.
There’s time during the shooting of ROCH, she’s not happy. Then I only learned that she and Fat Gor (Chow Yun Fat) broke up. When I know that she and Fat Gor were a couple, I really wished they ended together.
I’d tell her that I like her, but she gave no feedback, nothing I could do.
[more of andy’s response @ A5 News]
Kent Tong Chan Yip: We worked together in many series DGSD, ROCH, etc…
She’s such a cool person, very quiet. She fits the role Wong Yu Yin, WYY and SLL are similar so SLL fits her well too
She’s very lip-tight about her personal love life, she doesn’t talk about it at all.
Derek Chiu Sung Kei [director of movie “Brothers” starring 4 tigers: andy, felix, kent, and michael miu kiu wai]: When speaking of Idy we have to relate to SLL, harm nobody, her personality is very appealing, very charismatic. She’s such a legend.
Felix Wong Yat Wah: She entered the circle just a little before me. therefore, she’s my “senior”, I’ve always respected her and listened to her.
She’s a very quiet person, she doesn’t like to talk much. During break time, she’d sit by herself thinking, reading books, but when you can engage in a conversation with her, she has such a beautiful personality.
Don’t judge just because she doesn’t talk much. Give her any roles, from quiet to strong, and active characters, she’d play all very well. She’s really engaged into her roles. She’s very versatile.
The most happy time I remember was filming The Grand Canal. We all went to Xi’an to film. Then we’d eat meals together and hang out. We’d continue to hang out when return to HK. The most difficult one when we filmed “The Wild Bunch”, she and I played a pair. There’s so many outtakes for one scene, she slapped me [not quite understanding this part], and that she didn’t talk to me for a long time.
Because I already married, so often no feelings between me and her. But wow, her SLL character is so attractive. She and I are really good colleagues.
I’ve heard that she now has religious belief, she’s really doing good deeds for others, of course, it’s been a while since we worked together, now I just hope to see her, have tea and chatting, and what’s going on in our lives.
At the end of the interview, Ma Ka Fai [a popular HK columnist/scholar] shared his view on why Idy as SLL is the most favorite of all. Because she’s not that pretty, she has all the features that are just right and fit so well to be SLL.
2008.01.24 Idy Chan @ 主播會客室 CableTV
January 23, 2008 at 13:13
andy lau, cableTV
Sources: TungStar / MingPao – Weekly / TaKungPao / Metro / WenWeiPo / XHN / SOHU / SINA / TOM / AppleDaily
[Note that this interview was done around September 2007 ( check out this clip at the very end and this ad clip for 2008). The interview first aired on Jan 24th 2008 and 2nd rerun on Jan 27th 2008. ]
courtesy of CableTV (Hong Kong)
Idy and host/interviewer Eric Li 李潤庭 in photo.
Idy Chan 陳玉蓮 revealed that Andy Lau 劉德華 did treat her like his girlfriend. Andy once said “The only distinct between her [Idy] and Little Dragon Girl 小龍女 is that they weren’t born in the same time, one lives in modern time, one lives in ancient time.” However, others [reporters] thought she was “arrogant” and wanted to beat her up because she didn’t how and what to respond to their questions with answers like “I don’t know” “Please don’t ask me”.
But Andy Lau saw a difference in her that he did fall for her, he said “During the shooting for ROCH, I felt that she’s really my girlfriend. I was worrying for her and missing her everyday when going home. Later, when she played Alan Tam 譚咏麟‘s girlfriend in “Casino Raiders 至尊無上” [watch related clip], I was really falling for her that I was very sad.” But Idy had no ideas that Andy adored her so much.
In the eyes of the audience often see Idy as an angel and that’s why they paid attention to her, but she’s just like any ordinary person and faced a difficult life too. During her early years, she had to rent a 60-sq-ft room, sometimes had to wear the costume wig to go home, didn’t have time to change clothes or rest, and quickly return back to film again.
Besides studying her religion, in the past year, Idy has great interest in betting horse racing. However, she doesn’t gamble based on the winning and loosing of the horses. She based her betting from researching, watching TV, reading newspapers, and studying the background of the horses.
2008.01.23 Idy Chan plays horse racing betting
January 23, 2008 at 9:36
【on.cc專訊】 【15:42】2008年01月23日 陳玉蓮接受有線訪問,談到淡出娛樂圈十幾年,蓮妹直言沒有固定的工作表,只把握時間做一些平日不會做的事,好像「學賭馬」,陳玉蓮表示許多朋友都不信她會 賭馬,但她賭馬相當認真,不斷搜集資料,並將資料組織歸納,希望從過程中學習如何有系統地做一件事;而這十幾年間,蓮妹亦有宗教信仰,她表示希望學懂如何 超脫生死,將來不用再輪迴做人。
Idy Chan 陳玉蓮 accepted CableTV [i-Cable Entertainment News] interview, and talked about her years of fading out in entertainment circle. She revealed that she doesn’t have any working schedule at the moment and she uses the free time that she can’t do on ordinary days, such as “studying horse racing gambling”. Idy expressed that many of her friends don’t believe that she knows how to bet. But she actually is good at betting, and has been able to collect many materials to study, and hopes that through out the research can produce a systematic method [in horse betting]. In the past 10 years, Idy has also practice religious beliefs. She wishes to comprehend the concepts of life and death, and hopes in the future [next life] not to be human.