Idy Chan sidelines promotion for SSSS
October 21, 2012 at 3:02
Sources: MPW #2293 [iHKTV] /
There’s 2 live promotion events for “Silver…” 《名媛望族》, one already happened on the 15th of this month, but Idy can’t attend on both. Director Chong Waikin explained “Nothing much we can do, Idy could only attend the Anniversary Lighting, because of her work obligation in mainland China, she needs to go back there, quite sad, so she’s put the burden of promotion work on Damian Lau and Tavia Yeung.”
Note: The 2nd function will happen today
October 21st, 2012 at 3:44 AM
Erin, I like how you are able to situate the wallpaper so that it shows Idy and Kenneth hahaha 🙂
October 21st, 2012 at 4:04 AM
Quick charity, back to the acting career
I missed her. She did enough work for society
She serves enough time for poor mainland people
It is time for IDY due her time for her poor fans @@
October 21st, 2012 at 7:50 AM
@Michelle, I don’t want to spend time on making background image to work for certain webpage, and it’s hard to make it work for different screen resolutions. I believe you’re lucky enough to still have the good old screen size, that’s how you’re able to see Idy and Kenneth 🙂 for my PCs at home and work, i have Idy and Ron ..which is fine.. though, he looks mean with a gun pointing at …me
@Emmy, apparently she doesn’t care for her poor fans as much, she thinks we’re “rich” already haha! JK
Anyway, I wonder if those artists who contract with or owned by TVB, do they get extra pay for attending these promotion functions? Not sure what kind of contract Idy has with TVB that she’s able to skip them haha.. Because on Weibo, Damian lau sounds like he must attend or else…
October 21st, 2012 at 8:10 AM
I believe Idy has a FAVOR. She was SPECIAL GUESS for coming back of this series. No contract for her, no duties as well
Lucky for us so see her twice the last 5 years @@