Idy Chan @ LUAHK Magazine Jan/Feb 2016
February 13, 2016 at 11:08
artistes blogs, charity, lifestyle, LM325, lunar new year, magazine
Best wishes in Year of the Monkey 猴年吉祥
February 8, 2016 at 13:48
artistes blogs, lifestyle, LM325, lunar new year
2015 Lunar Jan 15th
March 5, 2015 at 22:21
1 Comment
artistes blogs, LM325, lunar new year
Happy Year of the Goat!
February 19, 2015 at 10:55
artistes blogs, LM325, lunar new year
Good luck in the Year of the Horse
January 31, 2014 at 22:39
1 Comment
artistes blogs, LM325, lunar new year
Eating rice balls on Lunar Jan 15th
February 23, 2013 at 13:15
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artistes blogs, lifestyle, LM325, lunar new year
Sources: Weibo / [ALS] CYLBar /
Fans shared this audio clip from Idy Chan:
“Hello, New year has just passed, and Lantern Festival [Lunar Jan 15th *] is very near, I would love to eat rice balls dessert with everyone. Not sure if you have this tradition, if you don’t know, please ask your Cantonese friends. Sticky rice balls are especially to eat on Lantern Festival, OK, Bye bye!”
* Lunar Jan 15th falls on Feb 24 this year.
Year of the Snake
February 10, 2013 at 2:13
lifestyle, LM325, lunar new year, silver spoon sterling shackles
Prominent Family: Cast & crew got dessert treats from Producer Chong Wai Kin
January 25, 2012 at 0:50
artistes blogs, lunar new year, silver spoon sterling shackles
Sources: Oriental / TheSun /
[22:21] 2012/01/24【 東方互動 專訊】 劉松仁、陳玉蓮、楊怡等日前齊為新劇《名媛望族》趕工,監製莊偉健細心炮製蓮子百合糖水慰勞他們,令眾人甜在心頭,雖然蓮妹角色思想複雜,但松哥卻大讚她能演出那份觸不到的氣質,令其驚喜不已,而後輩楊怡則演四姨太,笑言拍攝時不時向蓮妹偷師。
[Translation extracted from JayneStars] Despite the Lunar New Year holiday, Damian Lau (劉松仁) had to film TVB drama, Prominent Family < 名媛望族>. Despite being accompanied by “5 wives” on set, Damian did not feel better. Producer Chong Wai Kin (莊偉健) especially prepared a sweet lotus seed and lily bud dish for the cast and crew; Idy Chan (陳玉蓮) and Tavia Yeung (楊怡) fully enjoyed the dessert.
After Catch Me Now < 原來愛上賊>, Idy Chan and Damian Lau resumed their partnership in Prominent Family, in which Idy portrayed Damian’s second wife. Due to the complex character, Idy needed to warm up initially for the role; however, she became more immersed in her performance recently. Even Damian felt that Idy’s interpretation lent a unique temperament to her character.
Damian’s “fourth wife,” Tavia Yeung, wrapped up filming at 3 AM last night. Despite the late hour, Tavia and Idy ate the sweet lotus seed dessert at the studio and got along well together [despite their characters’ rivalry]. Tavia took the opportunity to learn acting tips from Idy.
This amateur poster nicely done…
Year of the Dragon
January 23, 2012 at 5:04
artistes blogs, lifestyle, LM325, lunar new year, silver spoon sterling shackles
Happy Lunar New Year
February 3, 2011 at 13:13
lifestyle, LM325, lunar new year