TV Series #277: Damian Lau & Idy Chan
May 6, 2012 at 22:37
charity, lifestyle, silver spoon sterling shackles
Sources: AppleDaily – 2 / SingTao / SingPao / WenWeiPo / TaKungPao / Sohu / Oriental / TheSun / MingPao / GoYeah / HK-Image / I-Cable
/ HKRP /
[16:13] 2012/05/05 【 東方互動 專訊】 「小龍女」陳玉蓮出席香港復康會活動時清減了不少,她表示拍完劇集《名媛望族》後,早前與十名志同道合者自駕遊往山區探訪,對於有指她出家,蓮妹作出否認,但承認帶髮修行,與多名友人修行及做善事,目的是不想再輪迴,因做人太痛苦。
Idy attended friends’ wedding over the weekend [6th] in Guangzhou, can you find who else in the photo? This couple must be in some entertainment business, they know many other HK celebrities who sent well-wishes via video [Weibo].