2009.10.18 Idy Chan visits Girls Detention Center to gain experience
October 18, 2009 at 20:55
Sources: RTHK / Tungstar / HK-Image / SingTao – iHL / MingPao / TaKungPao / WenWeiPo / AppleDaily / MacaoDaily / SingPao / CEN / Sina – Video
/ 30Fen
/ iFeng / Headline / GCMT /
【19:07】2009年10月18日【on.cc專訊】 陳玉蓮出席公開活動時談及早前為好友免費拍攝短片一事,她表示這是為以支持在囚人士及其家人而做的義工,「我近年工作都會揀好多有意義先做,同埋接觸到好多不同階層人人,好似今次我會去探訪女童院,我覺得可以同班女仔溝通一下,係個唔錯體驗。」
As the “goodwill star” Idy Chan along with others attended RTHK’s 10-year anniversary “Thousands of Love”, the program with responsive activities and rehabilitative care for prisoners. She and Ivana Wong officiated the ceremony.
Idy said that she doesn’t get paid for the work because it’s more important to bring out the messages to the public. She shared “I’ve been shooting HK Stories, no fees, just given travel expenses, but I’m really happy with the work. The program is very truthful for half hour, and usually just needs 3 days to film. There’s no other stations can afford such limited resources.” Also, she doesn’t mind for being in only 1 or 2 lenses of each episode, and even treats the staff. “Though the work is very meaningful” she said. After the function, she will visit the Detention Center for adolescent girls, and hopes to gain experience by interviewing them.
November 7th, 2009 at 9:54 PM
Hi Erin, I find a short clip of this news @
Idy looks very pretty and elegant. (^.^)
November 7th, 2009 at 10:30 PM
Thanks Inthira, there’s 2 other news clips by CEN and Sina too, I put the video icon next to the source links.
November 9th, 2009 at 10:50 AM
(O.O) Oh!…I’m sorry, I forgot that I look the icon.
Thanks for your clarification. I should know that you are always done a great job!(^.^)