Sources: AppleTW: 藝人滿懷祝福
劉德華有善心且有靈性,我祝他除日常生活外,能追求精神、心靈上的幸福,這是我衷心給他的祝福。 / AppleDaily /

Just a few days ago, the chaotic scenes that media reporters at both Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong Airports were the cause of the famous Andy Lau’s locking hands with his long-time [since 1986] girlfriend, allegedly wife, Carol Zhu. Details are covered at many Andy Lau’s fans sites like Andy Town, AndyLauSounds, etc.

The whole event has shed some light on the relationship of Mr. Lau and Ms. Zhu, which had been long speculated by media and unconfirmed by the couple.  The crazed media coverage of the event leads to many fellow artists showing their full support for Andy and it seems no surprise for many of them. Idy Chan, who had always been linked to Andy due to their perfect pairing in the TVB classic ROCH1983, but has long been moving on from romantic relationships and now spiritually worships. Via the phone, she expressed “Andy Lau isn’t just a regular artist, he is a kind-hearted, yet spiritual man, if what we see is true, I just want to wish them the best of every single day, spiritually and mentally well, this is my heartfelt blessing to Andy.”

Side Note: Idy has signed an autograph for me. Just wanna show off. Thank you Miss Chan, and especially thanks to Hu-Yi. Click here to view.

Sources: @ActioNews / MetroDaily / TaKungPao / WenWeiPo / MingPao / AppleDaily / Oriental / SingTao via Yahoo! /
【16:55】2009年08月12日 【on.cc專訊】 陳玉蓮最近忙於做義工,幫助四川的殘障災民,稍後又幫電台拍十集專輯,蓮妹走訪香港各區訪問一些生活特別人物,她覺得自己的生活很充實很有意義。


Lately, the semi-retired Idy Chan has been waking up everyday to volunteer with great enthusiasm. She went to Sichuan last year and stayed over 2 months to help to those less fortunate earthquake victims. Idy said “I’m the goodwill ambassador for this charity called ‘Stand Up’, the purpose is to raise money for those limping earthquake victims. We cooperate with students at Christian Zheng Sheng College (CZSC), together we participate in many charitable events.” Besides her high spirit in serving the community, she’s been working with RTHK to shoot a 10-episode series focusing on the stories of people throughout Hong Kong. She playfully shared “RTHK is known for their fairness, I don’t mind working for them. This program requires me to travel to every corner to collect stories to tell. So I have to keep myself updated with current events, including the controversial story on CZSC, only everything goes smoothly so I can finish this special program.”

有線娛樂新聞台 i-CABLE Entertainment News (CEN) Video: 陳 玉 蓮 讚 靚 模 形 象 正 面 2009/08/12 22:07
靚 模 圈 中 是 非 多 , 又 飽 受 社 會 上 不 同 人 士 的 抨 擊 , 但 陳 玉 蓮 在 出 席 慈 善 首 映 禮 時 , 則 為 一 眾 靚 模 平 反 , 大 讚 靚 模 漂 亮 和 形 象 正 面 。

Michelle Yim and Idy Chan support CZSC for their good values.

【16:55】2009年08月12日 【on.cc專訊】 米雪與陳玉蓮為電影《隱形的翅膀》擔任籌款晚會嘉賓,目的為「正生書院」籌款。米雪指「正生書院」有存在價值,學挍幫助誤入岐途的少年,故不認同反「正生」活動。米雪亦透露尹佬健康OK。


2009.08.04 Explode Hall feat. Idy Chan

August 4, 2009 at 17:12 Comment Comments Off on 2009.08.04 Explode Hall feat. Idy Chan

Sources: TheSun /
Idy Chan has been active again in the circle and traveling everywhere. News reporters aren’t familiar with her, and often asking for business card and telephone for future contact. Idy has developed a new habit, not only she exchanges business cards with reporters, but also requests to take pictures with them. Why is that? Because she wants to make sure which reporter when contacted, remember that they’ve met, recognize the reporter, and will able to communicate better with ease.

Note: This article is part of the opinion column of TheSun, which loosely translated as “Explode Hall”

[There’s more but the article is written mostly in informal Cantonese, and the tone is quite sarcastic. So help me to translate it if you can. Thanks]
