Sources: TaKungPao / WenWeiPo / MingPao / Oriental / TheSun / SingTao / AppleDaily / MacaoDaily /
【16:21】2009年07月01日 【 專訊】 陳玉蓮出席動畫慈善首映,她表示未認識官恩娜前,對方給她的感覺是一名Sexy Lady,但認識過後卻覺得她是個男仔頭、很傻氣!陳玉蓮又指無綫曾向她招手,邀她回巢拍劇,更指劇本是為她度身訂造,可惜礙於工作撞期而未有接下,她笑 言日後若有時間而劇本又合適的話,一定會接拍。


Idy Chan along many others attended the charity premiere of new animation “Ice Age 3D”, she almost didn’t recognize Ella Koon, who appeared very appealing and would fit the name “sexy lady”. Idy felt awkward having a bob cut like men’s haircut. Idy shared that TVB has contacted her and it’s possible she’d return for a drama. The script especially made to for her role, unfortunately, there’s conflicts in schedule. But she still hopes if there’s a play with good script in the future, she’d be happy to accept.

Ella Koon did the voice dubbing for one of the characters in “Ice Age 3”, and asked if she invited friends for the premiere, she said she invited Idy Chan, they were in the same game show [related], and now they’ve become closer, many of her friends admired Idy a lot when she shared a photo taken with Idy with them online. Back to Idy, seeing how much people welcome her back to the circle, she joked “Most important is to keep yourself looking good, but youth is beauty, but now I’m old, have to accept it. (Will you get Botox treatment?) No, I refer natural, and don’t use much make up nor have any special diet.” (Are you afraid of aging?) Everyone is afraid, so I wouldn’t have Botox, just let it natural.”

【16:16】2009年07月01日 【 專訊】 官恩娜(Ella)出席有份配音的動畫首映時,笑言因要扮多種聲線的關係,故完成工作後聲音變沙啞。問到可有邀請朋友撐場?Ella即笑言請了陳玉蓮捧 場,並解釋因早前雙雙出席遊戲節目而變得熟落。此外,Ella笑言因舊同學都是陳玉蓮的Fans,故早前在交友網上載一張跟陳玉蓮的合照時,朋友們都大為 羨慕。


  1. #
    Modern Mum
    July 1st, 2009 at 11:08 PM

    You are look pretty always ‘Idy’. And you’ll always in my mind forever.^^

  2. #
    July 2nd, 2009 at 9:38 PM

    So cute

  3. #
    August 15th, 2009 at 9:51 AM

    瘦了些, 變得年輕了,很好看
