Idy Chan’s words of advice for young people
October 26, 2014 at 22:20
artistes blogs, charity, LM325
Sources: AppleDaily / SingPao / WenWeiPo /
10月26日(日) 15:42【on.cc東網專訊】陳玉蓮出席活動時,透露近年全力做山區探訪,回港都是處理私人事,談到陳開心墮樓身亡一事,陳玉蓮表示不知情:「依啲係無常,舊年喺北京有同陳勳奇見面,知道佢有個女入咗娛樂圈,但冇聽佢提佢個女,太突然!」問到當年是否因壓力而淡出娛樂圈?她坦言當年的壓力沒有令自己淡出:「但係當年邊個問起我同周生(周潤發)嘅嘢就發脾氣,因為唔識應對,不過壓力係自己畀嘅,依家人大咗,退後睇,如果你問我,我會反問大家佢幾好嘛!」她又表示自己在娛樂圈沒有野心,所以沒有壓力,但奉勸各位圈中的年輕人不要太執着:「對每件事唔好太追求名同利,係要出位,係要紅,但唔好太執着。」
Idy Chan’s mission to sponsor needy children in Guangdong
October 22, 2014 at 3:05
artistes blogs, charity, lifestyle
Sources: SingTao / AppleDaily / WenWeiPo / MingPao / TPGNews / Sohu / EastWeek /
10月21日(二) 17:31【on.cc東網專訊】陳玉蓮出席慈善活動,透露去年長時間於大陸做善事,故也是適當時候為香港慈善出分力,慨嘆一直以個人名義行善,但大陸慈善團體並未太接受,她謂:「我助養5個女仔,但唔係齋畀錢,係去廣東同我一齊生活,亦有畀錢佢哋家人,不過一般慈善團體唔係好認同,話捐錢同物資就無任歡迎,咁樣就有啲困難。(同小朋友生活有冇困難?)佢哋介乎12-17歲,正值反叛期,不過自己冇小朋友,同佢哋相處都覺得自己後生好多。」
Idy Chan is “tech-unsavvy”
October 11, 2014 at 0:21
artistes blogs, lifestyle
Sources: AppleDaily – 2 / SingTao / MingPao – 2 / OrientalDaily / TheSun / WenWeiPo / TPGNews /
10月10日(五) 20:50【on.cc東網專訊】 陳玉蓮出席晚宴時,自爆近日被朋友封為「現代文盲」,皆因不懂使用智能電話,更會因遇上技術問題煩惱到爆:「唔係好識用啲功能,不過內地用微訊就一定要。(唔玩微博?)大家熟悉我都知,我鍾意分享,但唔鍾意公開私人生活,微博又要成日更新,仲要用埋嘅話,我真係唔使瞓!」問到會否留港拍戲?她表示自從完成拍攝劇集《名媛望族》後,時間多放於內地山區義工方面。至於會否有戲癮,她說:「我啲癮好似飲咖啡咁,聞到香,拎到埋嚟咪飲吓。」
FORE GIRLS #1 – The Return of Xiao Long Nu 侠女再臨
October 3, 2014 at 2:35
1 Comment
charity, magazine, roch1983
FORE GIRLS #1 via ISSUU – Aug 2013: Special Feature
The classic character of Xiaolongnu in the Hong Kong 80s TV series The Return of the Condor Heroes was made for Idy Chan. Her portrayal of this role made her a household name throughout Asia. Despite the cold exterior of the character, she was classy, elegant and feisty and played to perfection by Idy and the critics just loved her. While Idy Chan is no longer in the showbiz limelight, she has still been very active diverting her energy into charitable causes in remote regions of China, trying to help others less fortunate in the spirit of humanity.
When asked why she became a volunteer worker, she was quick to point out that, actually, she as an organizer rather than a volunteer. A volunteer is someone who joins an organization to help others where as she organizes and manages charity projects allowing her to personally choose the direction in which to help others.
She believed that helping others was an important cause and one should do so with conviction rather just for the sake of it. In 2008, while organizing a charity event, friends suggested her that she should set up schools in these remote regions to provide that local children with access to education. What seemed like a logical step was not the appropriate one as she witnessed many schools had been built by others but the demand was not there, simply because there were not enough children to fill the schools. So, now with the benefit of hindsight, Idy will assess the needs of the region to establish what will really make a difference to their lives. Idy has managed to successfully continue doing charity work by benefiting from the people she surrounds herself with, people who can see potential in and hence will support and sponsor them so that they can fulfill their potential.
Under the tutelage of her mentor, she explains, she has changed a great deal and her experience in this field of work has led her to respect those who do this for living even more. She recognized this work to be both mentally and physically tiring and in order to help others, you first help yourself. Over the years she has seen much hardship while on her travels and now looks at life in a very different perspective.
One important lesson learnt is that after speaking with people from these remote areas and hearing their daily struggles and hardship, it is important to project a positive outlook, only then you can truly help them.
Idy has spent much time studying theology and psychology in an effort to improve herself, particularly for her work. With greater understanding of herself and life, she feels she can make a greater impact on the lives of those she is trying to help.
Idy came from humble beginnings in a district called Tiu Leng Keng in Hong Kong and took her first step into the entertainment industry at the tender age of sixteen when she enrolled in a school for performing arts. Her ambition was never to become a major star but simply to gain experience. As fate would have it, she was very lucky from an early stage and given many opportunities. Despite the success of her signature role of Xiaolongnu, she is proudest of her role in another lesser-known TV series that showed her range and tested her as an actress yet gave her less recognition.
Having let the industry for many years, she has been very much forgotten by the general public. To help her charity work, she often takes a picture of herself with the still prominent and famous Hong Kong superstar and former co-star Andy Lau to remind people of her past acting career. Most recently, Idy has stepped back in the limelight to once again increase her profile and boost support for her charity work.
Her charity work has been considered a success. However, Idy believes there is always room for improvement and one should never be too easily satisfied. You must always strive to better yourself and over achieve, only then can you truly excel in what you do. It is her persistence and support from her family that has kept her driven throughout the years but she recognizes the need to have realistic goals and not to dwell on the unachievable, otherwise you just end up achieving nothing in the end. Luckily for Idy, this has not happened and she continues today as she has done so many years ago with the same drive and spirit.