Idy Chan at Racecourse for a friend

February 22, 2010 at 22:25 Comment Comments Off on Idy Chan at Racecourse for a friend

Sources: Oriental / TheSun /

祝大家虎年’10行大運、身體健康, 心想事成

Wishing everyone a Prosperous Year of the Tiger with Good Health and May All Your Wishes Come True!

Special Thanks for Huyi & others at AiLianShuo for sharing these photo:

Sources: @ActioNews / MPinews / WenWeiPo / MingPao / SingTao / EastWeek /
【12:15】2010年02月07日【on.cc專訊】 陳玉蓮出席康復活動,透露自己與友人在內地夾份成立慈善團體,幫助一些窮小孩,除教他們求生技能外,更照顧他們的起居飲食。善心爆棚的她表示自己做事只在出心,沒全沒有想過回報這回事。
