Sources: RTHK2 / Tungstar / Tom / Headline / WenWeiPo /

RTHK5 launched the new radio show “Brilliant Life 光輝歲月” hosted by Bandia Lo (盧世昌) and Serina Ha (夏妙然). The show made specially for people over 50, which will provide in-depth interview with celebrities in sub-themes “My Brillant Life”, “Golden Oldies”, “Precious Moment with You” and “Life enjoyment” etc. Over 20 guests were invited for the press conference opening ceremony yesterday [4th] from veterans to new rising stars like musician Liu Jia Chang (劉家昌), Nina Paw HC (鮑起靜), Eva Lai YS (黎燕珊), Cheung Kwok Keung (張國強), Idy Chan (陳玉蓮), Canti Lau SM (劉錫明), Steven Ma CW (馬浚偉), Jade Kwan (關心妍), Alex Fong LS (方力申), Theresa Fu (傅穎), William Chan WT (陳偉霆), etc… Reported that during the whole function, Idy spent a lot time on taking photos and talking to photographer master Alain Yip (葉青霖) seeking his advice on photography. The new radio show kicks off tomorrow Mar 6th and will run on weekdays from 4-6pm HKT.

[It’s always nice to read Idy in the news and she still looks beautiful]
