Sources: Mingpao / TaKungPao / WenWeiPo / SingPao / Oriental / TheSun / AppleDaily / Tom / Sina / MacaoDaily / @pampering myself /
【19:20】2009年04月18日 【 專訊】 陳玉蓮早前往內地當義工,遠赴陝西和四川的山區扶貧,積極助養有需要的小孩,她表示有很多製作公司邀請拍劇及當主持節目,但一切要遷就當做義工的時間,由 於找到人生的目標,感覺刻下活得最開心。至於同場的康華透露,早前約滿無綫後,正式進軍內地拍劇,剛與劉雪華及吳孟達合作。


Idy Chan just got back from charity work in mainland China, went to mountainous of Sichuan and Shaanxi to provide help and support to the needy children. She said that many companies invited her for host programs or offer roles, but charity work is more priority because it’s now her main goal, and she feels very happy about that.

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