2011.03.25 – Idy Chan wishes to act again
March 25, 2011 at 21:25
Sources: STinews / WenWeiPo – 2 / MacaoDaily / SingPao / TaKungPao / MingPao / Oriental / TheSun / 21cn / TungStar / Sina / Tom / CableTV / HK-Image /
【15:45】2011年03月25日【on.cc 東方互動 專訊】 「小龍女」陳玉蓮出席公開活動時表示,有興趣繼續拍劇,早前她特別跟無綫傾合作:「合約就唔會簽喇!不過睇有冇劇集適合拍囉!我想拍古裝武打片,我唔怕辛苦,以前香港古裝片最出名,依家就畀韓國同內地取代晒,希望我拍番一套代表作啦!(想同邊個合作?)冇諗呢個問題,唔好拍埋一齊太細個就得!」
Idy Chan and Prudence Liew were at the Grand Hyatt HK for the press conference of charity event “Warm Columbarium”. Asked if she’s aware of the charity concert “Artistes 311 Love Beyond Borders” that will take place on April 1st to raise funds for victims of Japan’s massive earthquake and tsunami and will be telecast live from Victoria Park HK starting at 7pm, Idy said “I was in Mainland for work when the quakes hit Japan, and found out about it while on the internet. I haven’t heard anything from Artistes 311’s board on the details, but if I have time, I’d fully support.” [@AsianEU Idy also expressed that she has interest in shooting another TVB series. Earlier she especially went to discuss a collaboration opportunity with TVB: “I won’t sign a contract though! But I will see if there are any series we could collaborate in! I hope to shoot a costume martial arts series. I am not afraid of the difficulty. Before Hong Kong was best known for their costume dramas, but now Korea and Mainland took the spot, I hope to shoot another representative work! (Who do you want to work with?) Never thought of this, as long as the co-star isn’t too young!”] Yet, Idy also admitted that the idea is “of no interest to anyone “.
2011 CYL325 – Happy Birthday Miss Idy Chan Yuk-Lin
March 25, 2011 at 3:25
~with Love from CYLO: