News bits
May 17, 2011 at 9:05
artistes blogs, charity, lifestyle, love thy family
MingPao /
Michelle Wai thanked “mommy” Idy Chan on winning 2010 The Accolade Competition – Best Actress award for her role in RTHK’s “Love Thy Family: Love at the Verge of Death”
AppleDaily / SingTao / SW #825 /
Leung C Ho, HK Variety Artist, shared via his Weibo account that he’s currently joining with Idy for charity work in China’s remote mountainous areas.
SingPao / AppleDaily 小龍女現身
Idy made a rare appearance at Sha Tin Racecourse
2011.05.06 Idy Chan calls for water purification aids in China’s mountainous areas
May 6, 2011 at 22:33
Sources: TungStar / HKDaily / WenWeiPo – pdf / TaKungPao – pdf / MacaoDaily / SingPao / Sina – 2 / GZtv – 2 / GoYeah /
【21:50】2011年05月06日【 東方互動 專訊】 陳玉蓮到九龍塘生產力促進局出席《淨水送山區 四川關懷行動2011》,她說:「我去四川偏僻山區探訪,發現好多地方都冇乾淨食水,所以希望各界大力捐助呢個淨水器計劃。(向藝人募捐?)唔會,我情願佢哋提供邊度需要幫助,我去做探訪,遲啲會再返內地探訪,之前見到一個山區入面o既女仔啲頭蝨係一串串,我覺得教識佢哋有正確思想都好重要。」
2011.05.05 Idy Chan @ charity function
May 5, 2011 at 21:00
Sources: Oriental / TheSun / AppleDaily /
【17:38】2011年05月05日【 東方互動 專訊】 陳玉蓮、廖安麗及祝文君齊齊現身奧海城,出席《鯉魚報平安關愛及籌款活動》,身為「關愛大使」的陳玉蓮說:「近年我多數喺內地做慈善探訪,我依家工作o既唯一條件係冇手尾跟,早前就喺廣州拍護膚品廣告,拍硬照就拍硬照,唔會做其他工作,我唔等錢使!」
Idy Chan feat. in Shall We Talk? of MPW #2216
May 1, 2011 at 21:50
artistes blogs, lifestyle, mingpaoweekly
Sources: MingPaoWeekly #2216 [Xuan] / Sina / Weibo / Special thanks to JC for the scans
Idy attended “2011 Mrs. International Pageant – (” press conference as Guest of Honour & Ambassador